Chapter 3- Gross income

Section 31. Special provisions applicable to gross income from occupation of premises for non-business purposes.

(1) Where by virtue of section 11 the relevant person has a source consisting of his occupation of premises, the gross income which by virtue of that section he is deemed to have from that source shall, for the relevant period, be deemed to be an amount equal to the rateable value or, in the absence of a rateable value, the economic rent of the premises for the relevant period:

Provided that-

(2) The references to the relevant period in paragraph (e) of the proviso to subsection (1) shall be taken as references to the same period, whether they relate to a source consisting of the occupation of premises or to a source consisting of an employment.

(3) Where paragraph (b) or (c) of the proviso to subsection (1) applies in relation to a part or parts of the relevant period, paragraph (e) of that proviso shall apply only in relation to that part or those parts, as the case may be.

(4) Where premises to which this section applies are occupied by the relevant person partly for the purposes of a business of his, the gross income which the relevant person would otherwise be deemed to have from the source consisting of that occupation shall be reduced by an amount which is just and reasonable having regard to the extent to which the occupation is for those purposes.

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