Sales Tax Act 1972 (Act 64)


(1) The principal Act shall apply to petroleum-

    (a) manufactured but not consumed or made use of or removed under section 28 of the Excise Act 1976
    [Act 176]; or

    (b) imported and still warehoused under section 65 of the Customs Act 1967,

immediately before the appointed date.

(2) The principal Act shall not apply if, immediately before the appointed date, petroleum has been manufactured and consumed or made use of or removed under section 28 of the Excise Act 1976 but the excise duty in relation to the petroleum has not been paid, and in such event, the Excise Act 1976 shall apply.

(3) A person licensed under section 20 of the Excise Act 1976 to manufacture petroleum under that Act shall on the appointed date be deemed to be licensed under subsection 13(3) of the principal Act, and for this purpose the Director General as defined under the principal Act shall issue a licence to such person on the appointed date.

[Am Act A1070:9]

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